Designed to Gently Cleanse, Rebuild and Restore the Liver
--Liver Cleanse: Milk thistle seed is a powerful antioxidant. It fights the damaging effects of free radicals and may lessening the effects of many age related diseases. Research has shown that it stimulates liver function and rebuilds liver cells that have been damaged by illness, rich food, hepatitis or alcohol consumption. The seeds are rich in silymarin, which stimulates protein synthesis for liver cell regeneration. It may also protect the liver against damaging chemicals and assist the gallbladder and kidneys. Burdock root, Dandelion Root and Agrimony are designed to act as a tonic to support the liver’s natural functions and relieve liver congestion and tension while toning and supporting the entire body to ease recover.
Medicinal Dosage:Drink 1-3/daily. Best used long-term.
Ingredients:100% Organic
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