This salve will stand-up to the mouth’s acids, seal any cuts and speed-up repair.
With myrrh, comfrey, calendula and clove this anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, vulnerary, pain-killing topical is designed to kill any microbes in the cut, stimulate the immune system, and begin to laydown a framework for new tissue to adhere to and begin building new cells. The calendula speeds up cell development and comfrey’s strong astringent properties draw cells closer together to encourage quick knitting. Not a teething salve
Directions: Apply directly onto area and gently massage in. Can be used on canker sores, herpes, gum disease, swollen gums, trauma, oral surgery, soggy/atonic gums, oral piercings, ulcers, gingivitis, wisdom teeth and any cut, swelling or inflammation in the mouth.
Ingredients: 100% Organic
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