I Love: Natural and Organic French Perfume (no preservatives or enhancers)
Chakra: Heart
A soft floral citrus with a vanilla finish.
66% Balancing herbs
63% Calming herbs
21% Stimulating herbs
14% Lung, Heart, Blood herbs
12% Aphrodisiac herbs
This citrus perfume balances the mind and heart, opening the Heart Chakra ANAHATA “I Love” of acceptance, love, compassion and sincerity.
Active Ingredients:
Agarwood (Oud): increases sexual desire
Benzoin: reduces stress, calming, promotes restful sleep, mood lifting, healing to the skin
Bergamot: reduces anxiety, nervous tension and stress, balances the nervous system, lifts the mood and relieves fatigue
Clary Sage: reduces stress and tension, lessens pain and promotes relaxation, encourages communication in love (Contains safe estrogen-like hormones)
Labdanum: a Lung plant the clears the chest of infection
Lavender: calming in small amounts, promotes relaxation, reduces inflammation, improves digestion, lifts and balances mood swings
Lemongrass: balancing, calming and helps with difficult breathing, this plant is the plant of nursing mothers and stimulates the nurturing nature (safe too)
Marjoram: opens the chest and brings about rest and relaxation
Patchouli: stimulates and uplifts the mind creating the desire for contact