Designed to enrich and increase the production and flow of breast milk.
Mother's Milk: Parsley, Nettle, Marshmallow and Blessed Thistle all enrich and increase the production and flow of breast milk, while additionally protecting the health of the mother. All these herbs are high in nutrients and support and boost the mother’s immune system. Marshmallow aids in the healing of the lining of the uterus and strength of nipple tissue. The Parsley, as an anti-bacterial, works to prevent infection and kill unwanted microbes in the milk. Nettle and Blessed Thistle fight off colds and flues. Brew this tea with hot water as any tea, but allow it to cool to room temperature before drinking. When drank cold it increases breast milk production and flow. When drank hot it helps to clean and heal the bladder.
Directions/ Medicinal Dosage: Drink up to 3 cold teas daily.
Ingredients: 100% Organic
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