What is Leaky Gut?

“All disease begins in the gut” Hippocrates 500bc

Leaky Gut is not a medically recognized diagnosis, but refers to increased permeability (IP) of the intestinal wall, which occurs when tight junctions of the one-cell-thick epithelial cell wall becomes loosened or leaky rather than closed tight. It is believed that Leaky Gut contributes to a cascade of imbalances leading to immune, liver and lymphatic conditions, as well as numerous diseases and conditions. The incidence of chronic diseases, especially auto-immune diseases is on the rise and “many auto-immune conditions have Leaky Gut as a consistent and early feature of the disease process. In fact, there is increasing evidence that Leaky Gut is both the cause and a symptom of many diseases.” (Arreitta et al. 2006).

The healthy gut

The intestinal lining is supported by complex mechanisms, including probiotic bacteria, intestinal secretions (mucus), bile acids, the mucosal epithelium (epithelial cell wall) and lymphocytes (white blood cells). The integrity of the epithelial cells that line the intestines are regulated (open and closed) by the protein Zonulin that is released by the intestinal epithelial cell in response to stimuli (a vitamin). A healthy gut allows the nutrients from food to pass through the intestinal wall, but prevents antigens and toxins from passing though and entering the body.

If a toxin does pass through, a second layer of protection is provided by the liver, which is responsible for breaking down all substances passing through the intestinal wall. The liver neutralizes chemical substrates for excretion via the bile and kidneys. Bile acids also help to inhibit the growth of bacteria, especially anaerobic bacteria.

The unhealthy gut

When the intestinal barrier is repeatedly compromised, reactive oxygen species, carcinogens, macromolecules and other toxins pass through the intestinal wall and accumulate in the blood causing stress on the immune system and liver immediately. If the liver is unable to neutralize these toxins, they are returned to the blood, then the lymph and eventually deposited in the connective tissue (ligaments, tendons, bones and blood). The accumulation of toxin deposits damage the body and the recycling efforts of the liver putting an enormous burden on the organ, which can result in liver stagnation and obstruction in the lymphatic tissue of the gut, resulting in a chronic low-grade fever, often referred to as damp heat or toxic heat. Another result of an unhealthy gut is weight gain, low absorption of nutrients, autoimmune conditions, diarrhea or constipation, craps, gas, wet farts, brain fog, anxiety, insomnia…the symptoms that accompany Leaky Gut are extensive, can vary and are overlooked because they are misattributed or accepted as a consequence of digestion or aging. I encourage you to become informed and proactive.

The first step is taking a good Probiotic [click here] and taking our Leaky Gut Soothant [click here] to calm down the gut and begin the repair process. This remedy is a mastic that coats the gut, has anti-inflammatory herbs for the mucous membrane and is high in nutrients. We also have a Leaky Gut tea [click here] that is specifically an anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety remedy for the gut. You ultimately need to go grain-free or better yet, Keto. We can help you make that transition. Contact us for details.

Healthy gut = Healthy body/mind = Longevity

This Blog is not medical advice. It is information that is available in the public domain.