Budget Ketovore: Pet Food Tip #5 – Seafood Medley

Budget Ketovore: Pet Food Tip #5 – Seafood Medley

My boys are the Odd Couple. Rollo (my huskie cat) is hyper, fit, has an opinion about everything, wants to play 24/7 and loves meat. Oh, he also loves snow. Magus (my bully breed cat) is mellow, hates to go to the gym, just wants to snuggle 24/7, doesn’t care much about anything and loves seafood. To appease the masses, I switch days between seafood and meat. Seafood days are my easy days, just open a few cans and done, serving up my big guy’s fave. Rollo always looks down at it, then at me, as if to say “again mom?” But, he needs his iodine and Omega 3s.

Cheers, Kim


1.You need 1 can of tuna (170g) and 1 can of plain sardines (106g). I like chunk tuna because there is more meat. Begin by pouring out the contents of the tuna onto a lunch plate. Break-up the tuna into a mush to make it bite-size and enjoyable for them to eat. Breaking up the tuna also releases flavour and moistens up the tightly packed fish. Now add “half the can” of water and thoroughly mix to dilute the salt and flavour-up the water into a nice sauce. Cats like to take their liquid in their food, versus a water bowl and it’s so much tasty for them when you moisten the food with water.


2.Now pour out the sardines onto a lunch plate and mush it up well, making sure the meat gets moistened by the juice.


3.Next, push the tuna to one side of the plate and add half the sardines from the other plate to this plate. Then, take half the tuna and add it to the other plate, dividing up the portions. If you only have one cat, cover the second plate for later.



4.Ready to serve. This combination gives them tons of protein, nutrients and essential fats necessary for proper development and a strong immune system.



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